Who am I?

Well, that’s a really good question, isn’t it?

I’m not really sure.

I am nobody. I am everybody.

I am a mom of four whose children are all grown and moved out.

I am a Gigi to grand-babies that live 1000 miles away.

I am a wife trying hard not to be divorced.

I am a human.

I have been a victim but I am a survivor.

I am a believer in Christ who died for me and the Lord, my God, who made me.

I’m an addict and an alcoholic. I am recovering.

I am a mental illness sufferer who won’t own it.

I am an over thinker who makes rash decisions.

I am an abuser and a caregiver.

I am a backseat driver who is terribly inattentive when behind the wheel.

I am a person of faith who sometimes has no faith.

I am a living, walking, breathing contradiction.

I am grateful. For the pain and the hard lessons. I am grateful for my losses and my bad decisions. I am grateful for every second and every moment that God has given me on this earth. I am grateful because now I know that all of it has made me who I am.

And who am I? I am nobody. I am everybody.

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